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Tips to Stay Cool with your Roommates

  • Aug 2019

    When you move out of your home and join a college, you will wonder things like:

    What kind of roommates will I get? Will my roommate like me the way I am, or will I have to change a little for him or her?

    Truth is your persona doesn’t matter as much as other things do. Ever wondered why some people get along quickly with everyone and some have a hard time sustaining or even handling relationships.

    Here’s how you can stay cool with your roommates:

    1. Stay Cool:

    It is easier said than done. Life is not meant to be taken too seriously. And the same can be said about hostel life. When you are chilled out, people tend to express more.

    2. Respect privacy and personal space:

    Relationships need space. The more space you give to another person, the more appreciative they become. It’s simple: you get what you give.

    3. Communicate:

    Communication is the key to successful relationships. To avoid conflicts, you need to express your views to the other person. Of course, you cannot be rude and too blunt that it hurts them.

    4. Stay Tidy and Clean:

    Though it may not be a criterion for all the people, everyone appreciates organized things. It also showcases that you won’t bother them for small-small stuff as you are sorted yourself.

    5. Enjoy the diversity:

    Not every person is supposed to behave what you deem right. Accept diversity, and you will enjoy and learn different things from one another.

    6. Discuss Habits:

    There are some things that we cannot change: habits. It is always better if you let other people know about them and their reaction upfront before it happens later on.

    7. Understand that friends and roommates are different:

    They both are mutually exclusive. Good roommates necessarily don’t have to be good friends. In the end, it is all about the compatibility you share with your roomy.

    8. Help them when they need it:

    A cool roommate is the one who walks through problems as if it is nothing. If you make your roommate believe that by helping them in different things, you are the hero they needed.

    9. Don’t over commit:

    It is always better to over-deliver than to over-promise, especially with your room partner. Surprise rather than disappoint.


    Not something that you would like, but that’s what it gets down to at times. You have to accept and let go of some things that bother you a lot, if they are not too hard to handle. Most of the times, they aren’t.

    Your Take Away

    Getting along with other people is good, even if you don't like that person much, it is a perfect skill to have. There are many ways to finding a technique that works well for you to carry out the rest of your life with your roommate. And these above tips will surely be going to help you with that.

    Understanding is the Key to all!

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